We welcome with gratitude your donations to support BCIMS Programs.
Thank you for considering a donation to support BCIMS in its mission to be a resource for anyone interested in learning about the liberating teachings of the Buddha. Your gifts and generosity help us not only to deliver high-quality programming, but also to directly support individuals and communities who have traditionally been underserved by Buddhist organizations.
BCIMS is a non-profit organization and Canadian Income Tax receipts are issued for all donations.
British Columbia Insight Meditation Society
PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4
Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001
How to Contribute
One Time Gift
We welcome with gratitude any donation you are able to contribute. Your gift supports BCIMS in its commitments to make the dharma available to anyone who seeks it, and to serving you, the Insight Meditation sangha in British Columbia.
Recurring Gifts
We hope you will consider setting up a recurring (monthly) gift to BCIMS. Recurring donations allow you to spread out your donations. They are also a simple and effective way to support BCIMS by offering the organization a steady stream of revenue throughout the year. Even a small contribution per month adds up to a sizable gift by the end of the year.
Donating Publicly Traded Securities or Mutual Funds
In addition to being of great benefit to BCIMS, a donation of publicly traded securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes do not apply when giving stocks or mutual funds to charities, BCIMS receives the full fair market value when the security is sold.
Leaving a Bequest in your Will
We are pleased to discuss with you or your financial/legal advisor the different types of bequests. Click the link below some broad guidelines for ensuring your gift to BC Insight Meditation Society is received as you intend. For more information, please reach out directly to BCIMS at generosity@bcims.org
Where to Contribute
It’s important to us that you have input for deciding how your gift is used. Currently, we are accepting donations to the following funds, or you can earmark your gift to be put towards the area of greatest need at BCIMS’s discretion.
Area of Greatest Need
Your generous gift to this fund allows us the flexibility to direct funds where they will have the greatest impact throughout the year.
Program Funding
Contributions to this fund will be used for day-to-day operations at BCIMS. This fund is the primary vehicle that allows BCIMS to make the dharma available through retreats, classes, daylongs and other dharma activities.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Fund
The DEI fund was created to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives at BCIMS. Its purpose is to:​
Subsidize events for the BIPoC community within our sangha
Provide financial assistance to participants from marginalized groups to attend BCIMS long, in-person, retreats
Offer extra support to BIPoC teachers leading BCIMS retreats and events
Support dharma activities for groups traditionally underserved by Buddhist organizations
Financial Assistance for Retreat Attendees
This fund is used to offer a 50% registration fee subsidy assistance to individuals who self-identify as requiring financial support to attend a long, in-person, BCIMS retreat.
Joanne Broatch Memorial Fund
The Joanne Broatch Memorial fund offers a 100% registration fee subsidy for individuals who require financial assistance to attend a long, in-person, BCIMS retreat. The fund was set up in honour of Joanne Broatch, a founding teacher of the British Columbia Insight Meditation Society. Applicants for this scholarship are recommended by the BCIMS Teachers Council.