Leaving a Bequest in your Will
We are pleased to discuss with you or your financial/legal advisor the different types of bequests. Below are some broad guidelines for ensuring your gift to BC Insight Meditation Society is received as you intend.
For more information, please reach out directly to BCIMS at generosity@bcims.org.
Sample Wording
When you draft or revise your Will, provide your lawyer, notary, or advisor with instructions to leave a bequest to:
British Columbia Insight Meditation Society, currently of PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4, Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001
Specific Bequest
Use to leave a specific sum of money or property (eg. Real estate, stocks, bonds, or other articles as agreed between the donor and BCIMS)
"I give to British Columbia Insight Meditation Society, Charitable BN#: 851430322R 0001, currently of PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4, the sum of $ [insert amount]"
"I give to British Columbia Insight Meditation Society, Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001, currently of PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4, [insert description of property]…" e.g., 100 shares of Royal Bank of Canada
Residual Bequest
"I give to British Columbia Insight Meditation Society, Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001, currently of PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4 all (or stated percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate..."
Use to give BCIMS all or a percentage of what remains of the estate after paying debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests.​
Contingent Bequest
Use to give a gift that only takes place if the Testator is not survived by certain individuals.
"If (name/s of primary beneficiary/ies) does not survive me, or shall die within thirty (30) days of my death, then I give to British Columbia Insight Meditation Society, Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001, currently of PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4 [describe amount of cash, property or percentage of residual interest]…"
When making the beneficiary designation or making a provision in your will, the correct legal name to use is:
British Columbia Insight Meditation Society
PO Box 93, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5K4
Charitable BN#: 851430322 RR 0001